White Oak


White oak, Quercus alba

SPECIES SOLD ONLY IN LOTS OF 25 (order amount must be divisible by 25).

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SKU: 220441 Categories: ,


White oak is a moderate to large tree, growing 80-100 feet in height, native to all of Tennessee. White oak reproduces from acorns, growing slowly in the shaded understory for years until canopy opening allows the white oak to grow rapidly towards sunlight. White oak is found on a wide variety of soils but develops best on northern- and eastern-facing slopes. White oak is often found growing amongst other oak species, yellow-poplar, sweetgum, American beech, maple species, southern yellow pine species, eastern white pine, and hickories. White oak is prized for its acorns’ high wildlife value to a variety of small mammals, birds, white-tailed deer, and bear. White oak timber is highly valued for cooperage, especially in the production of wine and spirit barrels, as well as furniture, flooring, doors, cabinetry, and trim. The White Oak Initiative (https://www.whiteoakinitiative.org/) was formed to advocate and plan for the long-term sustainability of white oak due to its critical ecological and economic importance.

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