Chinkapin Oak


Chinkapin Oak, Quercus muehlenbergii

SPECIES SOLD ONLY IN LOTS OF 25 (order amount must be divisible by 25).

500 in stock

Price Table

Quantity Discount (%) Price Per Seedling
25 - 75 $2.10
76 - 99 $2.10
100 - 499 33.33 % $1.40
500 - 999 46.67 % $1.12
1,000+ 73.33 % $0.56
SKU: 220331 Categories: ,


Chinkapin oak Fagaceae Quercus muehlenbergii Engelm. symbol: QUMU
Leaf: Alternate, simple, obovate or oblong, large coarse gland tipped teeth on margin, 4 to 7 inches long, dark, shiny green above, much paler below.
Flower: Species is monoecious; male flowers are yellow-green long catkins (3 to 4 inches long); females are green to reddish, very small in leaf axils, appearing with the leaves.
Fruit: Acorn, nut 1/2 to 1 inch long, broadest below the middle, thin bowl-shaped cap covers about 1/3 of acorn and forms a tattered fringe on the margin of cap, dark brown when mature.
Twig: Slender to moderate, orange-brown, buds cluster at branch tips, terminal buds 1/8 inch long, pointed, chestnut brown, individual scales with frosted edges.
Bark: Thin, light gray, rough and flaky.
Form: Medium sized tree to 60 feet, with a rounded crown.
Looks like: chestnut oak – swamp white oak – swamp chestnut oak – dwarf chinquapin oak

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